Collaborate with a connected community of trial lawyers overcoming the same challenges you face each day. Through AAJ’s national network, you’ll gain insights and feedback on your clients' cases, expert recommendations and feedback, real world solutions to even the most novel problems, and up-to-date advice so you can best represent your clients.
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Caucuses and Member Groups
Foster professional development, education, mentorship, and exchange of ideas.

Connect with others in your practice area. Sections promote the sharing of ideas, documents, and cases and contribute to Education programs.

Litigation Groups
Promote trial lawyers working together to improve safety, consumer rights, and corporate accountability.
The interactive, online home for sections, litigation groups, caucuses, member forums, and committees. List servers let you connect with your trial lawyer community right from your inbox, and the center builds on the power of that network. Search discussion archives and document libraries, set list server notification settings, read blog posts, and more.
Section and Litigation Group list servers are a powerful resource and in my opinion a “must-add” to every member’s practice. It is this camaraderie, openness, and willingness to help a fellow plaintiff trial lawyer which keeps us strong in the never-ending battle for justice for our clients.
AAJ delivers exceptional education, unparalleled advocacy, and a dedicated community of trial lawyers fighting for justice. Join Now